Cross-Training for Runners: Injury Prevention 101

cross-training for runners - brett clingerman

Cross-training. That thing we all know we should be doing, but somehow can’t bring ourselves to do. Sometimes we narrow our focus too much, do a lot of one activity, and then scratch our heads when we get hurt doing that exact thing. Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Too often we get caught up in running and only running. I get it, we’re runners, it’s our identity. We think that any time spent away from running is a waste and will negatively impact performance. One of the primary reasons for runners to cross-train is to escape the impact. All that time on your feet can take its toll on the body. To see the positives of cross-training for runners, look no further than Kilian Jornet. According to his training data from 2021-22, he spent the beginning of December to the end of March doing primarily ski mountaineering, aka skimo, which is hiking on skis or carrying them and then skiing down. He went on to win the Hardrock 100 and Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc that season, setting course records in both. American runners are following in his footsteps with Jim Walmsley also taking up skimo in the winter instead of running and given his win at UTMB last year, I think it might have paid off!

What is the best cross-training for runners?

The best cross-training is the kind that you will do consistently. Be careful to not just do something that is essentially the same as running. Cycling and swimming can be great cross-training activities, but you will work the same muscles in the same way, in the same plane of motion. Think about activities that will make you work more in other planes of motion, such as rotational and lateral exercises. These will work muscles in a way that’s different from what you’re accustomed to and can provide you with more stability. Another thing to consider is the intensity of the cross-training. If you’re already training endurance with long-duration, low-intensity workouts, you may not want to mirror that in your cross-training. Something that has a shorter duration and higher intensity can pay bigger dividends if done so consistently. This can condition muscles and tendons to be more resilient, instead of just being ready for one set of demands.

How often should runners cross-train?

There is no perfect answer here, but generally, a couple of times per week is the correct one. If you’re getting in 8 cross-training sessions as a runner each month, you’re doing a good job. However, this will vary based on the volume and intensity of running that you are doing. Cross-training may also become more important if you are training around an injury. This is a great time to use walking, swimming, or cycling that will work you in a similar plane of motion to maintain your cardiovascular endurance. It’s still a good idea to work in those other planes of motion as long as it’s tolerated. In these instances, cross-train a little more while restoring your ability to run pain-free again.

What are some other benefits of cross-training?

Hopefully you’re running because you enjoy it, and your cross-training shouldn’t be any different. It should be something that brings you joy. Another good reason to cross-train is for your mental health. Many times, runners are preparing for races and are focused on their training plans with goal paces and miles for each week. Cross-training can also be a way of taking your mind off some of those details while still working toward your goal. Sure, that weekend run with your group can help, but sometimes we may just need a bit more of an escape. If you’re a Ted Lasso fan, think Roy Kent doing yoga with ladies who don’t know who he is…and it’s good for the core.

What are the best types of cross-training for runners?

This one really comes down to personal preference. For me, it’s a lot about the culture around the cross-training that keeps me involved. Don’t get me wrong, I love running, but the community around it makes it so easy to keep coming back. That being said, I find the most underutilized and likely most important cross-training for runners to be strength training. Now before you get worried about bulking up, don’t. Remember how it took a lot of time and effort to build up to that half marathon or ultra? Yeah, that’s the kind of time and intensity it takes to bulk up with strength training as well. While you can certainly take that approach and still be a great runner, we will focus more on the kind of strength training that will complement the work you’re already putting in, improve performance, and make you less susceptible to injury.

Stick to the simple things. If you just start with squats, deadlifts, calf raises, and planks you will be on your way, but those are all still inside the same plane of motion as running. I don’t want you to exclude these from your strength training, just know that there are other movements that are valuable. I mentioned earlier that lateral and rotational movements can help improve stability and this is where it gets fun. Exercises like lateral lunges or step-ups, Paloff presses, and Copenhagen planks can go a long way to challenge your strength and stability. Running is a single-leg activity, so let’s do a little strength training to mimic that.

Another thing to consider is your approach to sets and repetitions. Typically runners want to train strength with high reps and lower loads, but if you think about it, aren’t we already doing that with running? I would recommend going heavier and doing less volume. 3-5 sets of 6 repetitions at a heavier load can help you build strength better than 3 x 15. Think quality over quantity. If you’re concerned about your form with lifting or running, then this is a great opportunity to meet with your friendly neighborhood PT or strength coach to build that confidence and cross-training plan.

To sum things up, the best cross-training for runners is the cross-training you will do. Be sure to add in some variety and don’t always do the same things. Cross-training should not be ignored when building your training plan, or else you could end up sidelined when race day comes around. Make it fun, and find something you look forward to. Whether it’s swimming on a hot day, racing someone across the world on Zwift, or chasing that deadlift PR, it will make you a better runner.

Dr. Brett Clingerman, DPT, OCS is a physical therapist with 10+ years of experience. He graduated from Shenandoah University in 2012 and moved to North Carolina in 2015. He has spent most of his career treating Soldiers and Airmen, including being the lead PT for the women’s ten-miler team at Fort Liberty. Brett is board-certified in orthopedics through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. Certifications & Services include dry needling, Graston technique, spinal manipulation/ joint mobilization, kinesiotape, and FMS/SFMA.


Dr. Brett Clingerman, DPT, OCS

Dr. Brett Clingerman, DPT, OCS is a physical therapist with 10+ years of experience. He graduated from Shenandoah University in 2012 and moved to North Carolina in 2015. He has spent most of his career treating Soldiers and Airmen, including being the lead PT for the women’s ten-miler team at Fort Liberty. Brett is board-certified in orthopedics through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. Certifications & Services include dry needling, Graston technique, spinal manipulation/ joint mobilization, kinesiotape, and FMS/SFMA.



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